Trade-In Box
Have outdoor gear and apparel you no longer use? Select to have today's order shipped to you in a trade-in box.
You'll receive your order in a box which you can fill back up with qualifying outdoor gear and apparel and ship back to us, free of charge.
We'll send you a full or partial refund for today's order based on the trade-in value of the gear you send us. If your trade-in value is greater than today's order, you'll also get a digital gift card with the remaining balance.
With a trade-in box, your order will ship with the following —
- A box you can refill and ship back to us
- A prepaid return shipping label sticker
- Self-adhesive tape strips for closing the box back up.
You'll find the option for a trade-in box in your shopping cart —
Please note this option is only available in the shopping cart, not on the checkout page.