Earning credit for your outdoor gear is as easy as putting it in a box.
1. Gather
Gather your gently used outdoor gear, and double check that it qualifies for trade-in.
2. Ship
Request a free shipping label, pack everything up, and drop it off.
3. Earn
Within 2-3 days of receiving your gear, we'll notify you with your new store credit balance.
We'll Handle the Hassle
We take care of all the cringe that comes with selling your gear to strangers, so you can get paid and move on with your life.
- We research, photograph, price, and list each individual item
- We communicate with potential buyers and answer questions
- We manage returns and exchanges
What We Accept
A couple more requirements —
- Must be be free of odors, stains, holes, or alterations. Original sewn-in care tags should be included.
- No team or corporate-branded apparel.
- No socks or underwear, unless new with tags.
- Footwear should be in great condition with about 50 miles or less of use.
Winter Sports
- No skis or ski bindings older than the 2015/2016 season. No ski boots older than the 2013/2014 season.
- No helmets older than 5 years, or that have experienced a significant impact.
- Skis and snowboards will include $20 deducted from earnings to help cover shipping costs.
- No helmets older than 5 years or with visible damage are accepted.
- No load-bearing safety equipment (harnesses, ropes, etc)
Camping & Hiking
- For tents, make sure to verify all pieces are present.
- For camping gear in general, it should be odor-free. Spritzing it with vinegar and leaving it outside in the sun for a day can do wonders.
Have gear that doesn't quite qualify? You're welcome to include it in the box if you have extra room. We'll consider this a donation, and will do our best to find it a new home.
Transparent and Fair Payouts
We work hard to get you the best value for your gear. No mystery black box offers — your payout is simply a percentage of what we list your gear for.

Earnings start at 15% of the list price, with most items earning you 30-50%.
In Demand Items Earn More
Receive 10% extra on any of the following items when shipped by November 30, 2023 —
- Ski Boots 2013 season or newer, size 28.5 or larger
- Snowboard Boots 2013 season or newer, size Mens 10 or larger
- Snow Pants or Jackets in Great condition or better, size Mens L or larger
Frequently Asked Questions
I'm not sure if my gear qualifies.
Feel free to email us a couple pictures along with any details you have, and we'd be happy to look at it with you.
If you've got extra room in your box, you're always welcome to add non-qualifying gear and we'll do our best to find it a new home. These items would be considered a donation.
Can I get a trade-in estimate before I mail in my gear?
Of course! Email with the brand, model, and estimated year of your item, along with some pictures.
Can I get cash for my gear, or just store credit?
Our trade in program is primarily for store credit.
However, if you've got lots of quality gear to sell, we'd be happy to discuss switching you to our consignment program, which qualifies for cash payouts and higher earnings.
Consignment and cash payouts are also available for gear dropped off in person at our Provo, UT store.
I have a lot of gear. Can you help?
Absolutely. We love to work with brands, retailers, sponsored athletes, rental fleet managers, and anyone else who just happens to collect a lot of outdoor gear.
As a high volume seller, we can get you set up with a consignment account, which gets you higher earnings, plus the option to take cash payouts. Send us a note at and we'll help you get started.
Can I drop off my gear in person?
Absolutely. We currently have drop off available at our Provo, UT location.
What if I don't like my trade-in offer?
If you think something might be off with your offer, just let us know and we're happy to take another look.
Please note we're pretty confident in our pricing and don't typically make adjustments.
If you change your mind and want your gear back, just let us know within 48 hours, and we'll happily ship it back (you'll just pay return shipping).
We issue store credit 48 hours after sending your trade-in offer (or earlier if you tell us everything looks good). Once credit is issued, we're no longer able to send anything back.